Finance Council
Rick Hamilton, Finance Council Chair
417-673-2044 ext. 102
Baker Davis Roderique
417-673-2044 ext. 102
[email protected]
Members: Will Roderique, Rick Hamilton, Janet Taylor, Bill Chapman
The Finance Council, along with the pastor and others to develop the parish's annual budget. The council is not responsible for fundraising, but may make recommendations for this to the Parish Council. The Finance Council provides the Parish Council with regular reports on parish finances. The council assists other parish organizations with their budgets and financial reporting.
This group also helps establish and maintain internal control procedures for the handling of all parish funds. Members meet quarterly, or as needed, with the pastor or his representative.
417-673-2044 ext. 102
Baker Davis Roderique
417-673-2044 ext. 102
[email protected]
Members: Will Roderique, Rick Hamilton, Janet Taylor, Bill Chapman
The Finance Council, along with the pastor and others to develop the parish's annual budget. The council is not responsible for fundraising, but may make recommendations for this to the Parish Council. The Finance Council provides the Parish Council with regular reports on parish finances. The council assists other parish organizations with their budgets and financial reporting.
This group also helps establish and maintain internal control procedures for the handling of all parish funds. Members meet quarterly, or as needed, with the pastor or his representative.