Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine.
The Sick and Shut Ins: (Those unable to attend Mass.)
Jean & Julio Arteaga
Edwina Bock
Steve Bock
Ed & Gisele DesAutels
Charimonde Heger
Donna Kadolph
Yen Pham
Cynthia Perez
Magdalena Ramos
Rhonda Seils
Actively Serving Military:
Petty officer Charles Bock III, USN
PO3 Judson Russell, USN
Jean & Julio Arteaga
Edwina Bock
Steve Bock
Ed & Gisele DesAutels
Charimonde Heger
Donna Kadolph
Yen Pham
Cynthia Perez
Magdalena Ramos
Rhonda Seils
Actively Serving Military:
Petty officer Charles Bock III, USN
PO3 Judson Russell, USN